Honesty in the bedroom can be a difficult topic for couples. Women may tend to tread lightly when trying to communicate with their partners about trouble in their sexual relationship. Giving sexual feedback to men can be a precarious situation, especially when dealing with masculinity. Researchers wanted to examine the effects of perceived fragile masculinity and perceived gender roles on

When trying to find a new partner, one necessary step is to flirt with some potential people. Many of us, including me, are not particularly good at it. Some ways of flirting are dealbreakers, and researchers want to know which ways of flirting hurt the prospects of finding a new partner. The researchers asked 212 Greek-speaking men and women about

Women’s shoe choices have always seemed like a pretty boring topic. Most days women wear flats or sneakers for comfort. On date night, to a party, or in a formal setting they might wear heels, although they can be pretty painful to walk in. As women usually wear heels in more formal situations, it begs the question, does it change

Many researchers and professionals have different ideas on how to make a couple’s sexual relationship stronger. Some think that it is best to focus on couple bonding, also known as attachment. Others want to focus on balancing the attachment with a sense self and autonomy, known as differentiation. A research team decided to see whether focusing on couple boding or