Attachment Styles and Your Sex life.

Attachment styles that we develop as children tend to stay with us throughout our lives. While they can develop and change, how do they play a role is our sex lives? Gurit Birnbaum discusses a range of attachment styles and their affects on sexual relationships.

Cheaters, the Sexual Hypocrites.

Two recently published studies look in to how self-serving bias in a relationship to infidelity can lead to sexual hypocrisy. They also explore how different personality styles show greater sexual hypocrisy. These hypocrites, in the cause of infidelity, usually blame their partner or the situation for their infidelity. Read more below.

Unconscious Attitudes and Sexual Frequency

We all have unconscious attitudes (implicit attitudes) towards the people we are around. Some studies have indicated that newlyweds with positive implicit attitudes towards one another, were more likely to have more sex. But what about explicit attitudes, or how do implicit attitudes affect other parts or relationships? Check out more information in the article!

February Newsletter

*|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* TEDx Lecture!    What will sex be like in the 21st century? Robots? Bluetooth enabled adult toys? No more love? Find out by watching this TEDx Lecture  Sex in the 21st century | Dariusz Skowroński | TEDxKatowice Academic Updates!    On behalf of the group of Academics from Temple University Japan Campus and Meiji University in Tokyo, let me announce

Sexting, but Why?

The recent scandal involving Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos lead Sam Louie MA, LMHC  to go into detail about the reasons for sexting. For example, one recent study suggests that for men (almost 50%) the top reason is it satisfies their sexual needs or feels good. While for women (almost 20%) the top reason is insecurity. For information and sources:

Are Your Sexual Fantasies Uncommon? Maybe Not.

An article from Justin J Lehmiller Ph.D about non-normative sexual fantasies and their frequency in the population. Lehmiller collected data on 4,000 Americans to see how common some of these fantasies are. The results of his research is pretty eye opening.

Ted Bundy’s Necrophilia

Recent popularity of the Netflix documentary into Ten Bundy’s life has renewed interest in his psyche. This fascinating article dives into the psychology behind Ted Bundy’s necrophiliac tendencies.