Sex Therapy workshop for the Japanese health professionals (in English with the Japanese translation) 【「相談において“性”のテーマを扱うということ」 〜性障がい・性虐待・性暴力などへの治療や介入:臨床セクソロジーとセックスセラピーの視点から学ぶ〜】 性のテーマが相談のなかで出てきたときに、どう対応していいか戸惑うことも少なくありません。そこで、支援者自身が臨床現場で役立つ性についての知識や、臨床で性を扱う際に役立つ理論的枠組や実際に臨床で活用できる手法などを学べる講座として全3回シリーズの「支援者のためのセクソロジー講座」を企画しました。 *第1回「入門:臨床セクソロジーとセックスセラピー」2015/8/22 (土) – 23(日) *第2回「性に向き合う心理療法:セックスセラピーの実践と介入」2015年冬に予定 *第3回「性虐待や性暴力とセックスセラピー:子どもの場合・大人の場合」2016年春に予定 The Upcoming event: Sex Therapy workshop for the Japanese health professionals (in English with the Japanese translation). PROGRAM: This workshop is designed for the health professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, counselors, psychotherapists, social workers, etc.), who are interested in incorporating principles of sex therapy into their own clinical practice. The presenter

The moment of truth: in Japan adult nappies outsell baby nappies.

This is bad news in terms of Japan’s demographics and future prognosis for the rapidly aging society. And probably we can consider the issue of adult nappies for the elderly as the taboo topic. However, this is Japanese reality of declining population: adult nappies outsell baby nappies. Read more at in a the article: Adult nappies ‘outsell baby nappies’.    

The 13th Asia-Oceania Federation for Sexology Conference, Brisbane, Australia on 22-25 October 2014 – photos

I just came back from Brisbane, Australia, where I presented two co-authored papers on Sexuality in Japan at 13th AOFS Conference. 1.The Celibacy Syndrome and Sexless Marriages in Japan – Culture Specific Phenomena or Clinical Issues? The Practical Implications for the Sexuality Counselling and Sex Therapy in Japan. 2. Sexual satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the Japanese – Western marriages and

Phallus Festival in Japan

Every year the traditional Japanese festival Kanamara Matsuri is held each first Sunday of April at Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki, Japan. The giant penis, central theme of the event, is carried around in the city during the procession to reflect the belief in protection and luck in business, sexual health, baby delivery and marital harmony. The festival is a interesting example