Does Japan need more research on the international marriages (Kokusai kekkon) and migration trends?

Japan, similar to the rest of the world, faces the complex process of rapid and profound demographic and socio-economic changes (Matsumoto, 2002; Kingston, 2004; Roach, 2009), challenging the established and time-honored attitudes and perceptions of social and intimate relationships, public and private spheres, as well as social support networks (Quah, 2008). Japan, along with other Asian countries is undergoing such

Virginia Johnson – the icon and pioneer of the scientific approach in sexology just passed away aged 88

Virginia Johnson – the icon and pioneer of the scientific approach in sexology, just passed away on July 24th 2013 in St. Louis, USA. Together with the gynecologist William Masters created a duo that in the 60s, 70s and 80s of the twentieth century revolutionized modern understanding of research in sexology. First they were colleagues at work, then lovers, then

Gender dysphoria fka gender identity disorder

The American Psychiatric Association on 18 May 2013 released a new, fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which intended to officially end a long term discussion over a controversial term “gender identity disorder”. The term “gender identity disorder” was eliminated because of its stigmatizing and pathologizing meaning, and a new term “gender dysphoria” was

Nature versus Nurture

One of a very famous and tragic stories in the history of sexology is a case of John/Joan (David Reimer). This documentary may offer you food for thought in terms of what really makes us a man or a woman. Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis