Ted Bundy’s Necrophilia

Recent popularity of the Netflix documentary into Ten Bundy’s life has renewed interest in his psyche. This fascinating article dives into the psychology behind Ted Bundy’s necrophiliac tendencies. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/blame-the-amygdala/201902/ted-bundys-necrophilia

The upcoming workshop: Sex therapy and clinical Sexology: An integrative Approach in the Japanese context

I will be conducting the workshop on 16-17 January 2016: Sex therapy and clinical Sexology: An integrative approach in the Japanese context, offered to Japanese Health Professionals (in English with Japanese translation) Please check this link out, if you are interested: 支援者のためのセクソロジー講座(第2回) Please feel free to share the information with others.

The interview about single Japanese men and their sexuality.

Please feel free to follow the link to the article about single Japanese men and their sexuality and possible sexological treatments  セックスレスからセカンド童貞まで、日本人にこそ必要な「セックスセラピー」とは?【最終回】恋人ができない男性の対処法  published in a magazine 週刊プレPlayboy Weekly, Japanese edition. This is part 3 of the interview available on Dec 5th, originally published on Dec 1st in the hard copy magazine.  Part 1 and part 2 have been published online

The interview about erectile and ejaculatory dysfunctions and sexological treatments in the Japanese context.

Please feel free to follow the link to the article about erectile and ejaculatory dysfunctions and possible sexological treatments  セックスレスからセカンド童貞まで、日本人にこそ必要な「セックスセラピー」とは?【第2回】ED治療と早漏改善  published in a magazine 週刊プレPlayboy Weekly, Japanese edition. This is part 2 of the interview, originally published on Dec 1st in the magazine.  Part 3 will be available on Dec 5th.  

Nature versus Nurture

One of a very famous and tragic stories in the history of sexology is a case of John/Joan (David Reimer). This documentary may offer you food for thought in terms of what really makes us a man or a woman. Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis