In pursuit of perfect virtual love in Japan…

This is quite old piece of news from 2009 but still may raise eyebrows of many people when talking about some more surprising facets of Japanese relationships. I am talking about first-ever marriage between a young Japanese man and video game character in Japan: Nintendo DS “Love Plus”. The groom was a gamer Sal9000 and the bride Nene Anegasaki, the

The interview about single Japanese men and their sexuality.

Please feel free to follow the link to the article about single Japanese men and their sexuality and possible sexological treatments  セックスレスからセカンド童貞まで、日本人にこそ必要な「セックスセラピー」とは?【最終回】恋人ができない男性の対処法  published in a magazine 週刊プレPlayboy Weekly, Japanese edition. This is part 3 of the interview available on Dec 5th, originally published on Dec 1st in the hard copy magazine.  Part 1 and part 2 have been published online

The interview about erectile and ejaculatory dysfunctions and sexological treatments in the Japanese context.

Please feel free to follow the link to the article about erectile and ejaculatory dysfunctions and possible sexological treatments  セックスレスからセカンド童貞まで、日本人にこそ必要な「セックスセラピー」とは?【第2回】ED治療と早漏改善  published in a magazine 週刊プレPlayboy Weekly, Japanese edition. This is part 2 of the interview, originally published on Dec 1st in the magazine.  Part 3 will be available on Dec 5th.  

The moment of truth: in Japan adult nappies outsell baby nappies.

This is bad news in terms of Japan’s demographics and future prognosis for the rapidly aging society. And probably we can consider the issue of adult nappies for the elderly as the taboo topic. However, this is Japanese reality of declining population: adult nappies outsell baby nappies. Read more at in a the article: Adult nappies ‘outsell baby nappies’.