The upcoming workshop: Sex therapy and clinical Sexology: An integrative Approach in the Japanese context

I will be conducting the workshop on 16-17 January 2016: Sex therapy and clinical Sexology: An integrative approach in the Japanese context, offered to Japanese Health Professionals (in English with Japanese translation) Please check this link out, if you are interested: 支援者のためのセクソロジー講座(第2回) Please feel free to share the information with others.

The documentary “Fighting an Invisible Enemy”

I recommend to watch the documentary about the mental health in Japan “Fighting an Invisible Enemy“, created by Taiyo Yagi, Dallace Johnson, and Zhou Jiayang, produced for Ethnographic Documentary Class, SILS, WASEDA UNIVERSITY 201 Dr. Dariusz Piotr Skowronski, Dr. Yuko Takebe, Dr. Takashi Hosaka, Kazuto Takeuchi, Morgan Stuart Congratulations to my students!

Sex Therapy workshop for the Japanese health professionals (in English with the Japanese translation) 【「相談において“性”のテーマを扱うということ」 〜性障がい・性虐待・性暴力などへの治療や介入:臨床セクソロジーとセックスセラピーの視点から学ぶ〜】 性のテーマが相談のなかで出てきたときに、どう対応していいか戸惑うことも少なくありません。そこで、支援者自身が臨床現場で役立つ性についての知識や、臨床で性を扱う際に役立つ理論的枠組や実際に臨床で活用できる手法などを学べる講座として全3回シリーズの「支援者のためのセクソロジー講座」を企画しました。 *第1回「入門:臨床セクソロジーとセックスセラピー」2015/8/22 (土) – 23(日) *第2回「性に向き合う心理療法:セックスセラピーの実践と介入」2015年冬に予定 *第3回「性虐待や性暴力とセックスセラピー:子どもの場合・大人の場合」2016年春に予定 The Upcoming event: Sex Therapy workshop for the Japanese health professionals (in English with the Japanese translation). PROGRAM: This workshop is designed for the health professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, counselors, psychotherapists, social workers, etc.), who are interested in incorporating principles of sex therapy into their own clinical practice. The presenter

Sex Therapy in the Japanese Context

I will be presenting a clinical workshop for health professionals on September 6, 2015 at 32nd Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Family Therapy on Sex Therapy – An Integrative Approach in the Japanese Context, held at Japan Women’s University. More information available at conference website of The 32nd. Annual Meeting in TOKYO, Japan Association of Family Therapy Sex Therapy –

An insightful and breathtaking documentary about suicides in Japan: Saving 10,000 – Winning a War on Suicide in Japan

This is one of the most insightful and breathtaking documentaries about suicides in Japan, I have ever seen so far, presenting an amazing array of views, why Japan is characterized by one of the highest suicide rates in the world. “Saving 10,000 – Winning a War on Suicide in Japan” or  is an over 5o-minute documentary directed by Rene